Friday, February 15, 2008


Why does it seem like happiness is temporary? Am I still waiting for this axe to drop? One day it may actually sever my head from my body but for now it just drops onto the back of my neck sending a blunt pain through me.

I'm used to it, misery is seasonal and yet we cling to it.

Its funny how music is generally divided between pieces about love - and happiness and how brilliant the world is now that the artist is swimming around in a fish-bowl pumped with dopamine - and the pieces where the artist is figuratively slitting his wrists and spilling the blood all over his sheet music.

Sometimes we make instruments laugh, sometimes we make them cry and if we're feeling particularly talented or refer to ourselves as "tortured souls" we can get an entire orchestra of instruments to tell the world how we feel.

Music makes it all so much better. No matter how angry the music is, the fact that somebody else was so miserable as to refer themselves to a paper psychologist seems to put a smile on our faces.

The music plays us more than we play the music.

1 comment:

Talli said...

while my guitar gently weeps

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