Monday, November 30, 2009

The Aftermath of my last post.

Hello friendly friends. Well I received a lot of feedback from the last post. Some commended me while others slated me. Nothing like a great argument. The post was published in the SA Jewish Report under the name John Rustee. I was looking forward to next week's edition to see how I am completely buried and I came across a blog that slates me more than it does my opinion, whilst trying (and failing) to stay objective.

I will be courteous enough to return his favor and provide a link to his post where you can see my response in the comments section. Or you can just read my response here.

And my response:

Dear Stephen,

First and foremost I would like to thank you for the added publicity you have given to my opinion despite the fact that "it does not warrant a response".

I love argument ad hominem, it really makes for a thrilling read but has nothing to do with the matter at hand. I can assure you, this monkey can do a lot more than just read and write.

While I may be a narcissistic, patronizing, bigot, I feel hurt by your calling me a hypocrite. Please elaborate as my dodging your name-calling resulted in my missing your point.

A few things before you make a fool out of yourself by misquoting me:

1. I do not speak on behalf of Israel, I speak on behalf of myself and anybody who supports my opinions is included in that collective "we"; trust me there are enough of us. While you may find this surprising, I have had people contact me to thank me for saying what I said. While you may consider your opinion fact, the rest of the world does not. I know my opinion is just that which is why it was posted on a blog and not in a political journal. Considering I am actually in Israel, I think I can safely comment on the reactions that the SA soldiers have had in light of the situation and the response back home.

2. I never stated that people who don't make aliya are not Zionists. There are plenty of Zionists in South Africa whom I respect and plenty of apathetic people in South Africa whom I respect. The people I do not respect are those who are apathetic yet act like they are Zionists and seem to get terribly offended when you put them on the spot about it.

3. I do not have to list every anti-Semitic/anti-Israel occurrence that transpires in South Africa in order to make my point. Your argument further solidifies mine - too much is going on in SA and not enough is being done about it. The writing is on the wall but nobody wants to see it - maybe Ronnie Kasrils, the PSC and COSATU need to march again for you to get the picture.

4. I mentioned nothing of a call to arms. A call to action is an entirely different thing. Must I spell it out for you?

5. Again, I do not ask SA Jews to make aliya. Your being so far off the point makes me wonder if you read the piece to begin with.

6. My focus is on South Africa, I do/have not lived in England, Australia, the U.S. or any other diaspora country, so unlike yourself, I cannot assume what their motivations may be. I am simply begging the question.

I find it ironic that you blast my blog yet your conclusion basically alludes to the same ends as mine does, a call to action. Maybe your conclusion should really read "but the claptrap stench of Rustee’s rantings certainly shouldn’t be the spark that triggers it because its not fair that he gets the attention that I want."

Sincerely yours,

"John Rustee"

Monday, November 23, 2009

South African Jews should be ashamed of themselves

I haven't written a real rant in a long time. Mainly because I feel that it frustrates me too much to concentrate so much negative energy on something that I can't really do much about, however, this one needs to be written. If anybody has issue with me after they have read this post, its too bloody bad.

Attention South African Jews: SHAME ON YOU! All of you. You all sit there in South Africa oblivious to what's going on in your own country and the rest of the world. As long as you have your big house, your fancy car per member of the family, a maid to clean up after you, all is grand in this world. Who needs a conscience when you have GAP patrolling your neighbourhood after all.

In the past few months, the signs of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism have been all to clear to the rest of us expatriates while the biggest issue in your lives is that some idiot messed up the South African national anthem at the big rugby match.

The funny thing about the South African Zionist is that he is not in the least bit Zionistic. Its not enough to have a Yom Haatzmaut party once a year or to sing HaTikva at school assemblies. The reason why the Muslim world has such a huge influence is not due to their size or numbers. It is due to the fact that every death of every single Palestinian is met with calls of "war crimes" by every Muslim on this planet. They are united against their enemy, be it the West, the Jews or Israel. However, South African Jews are simply to selfish and ignorant to care about anything but the materialistic bullshit that blinds them from the truth that they live in a third-world dump.

Several months ago, Jonathan Garb jeopardized the safety of every El Al passenger who flies from Johannesburg to Israel by exposing the security methods El Al uses to profile passengers. I was in South Africa at the time; there was no outrage, no concern for safety, nobody standing up for the Israeli embassy or El Al or even the safety of South African Jews.

The result - A security officer was deported this Friday. The South African authorities have threatened to deport all El-Al security officers. Well done guys, your apathy has resulted in, what may be, the end of direct flights from SA to Israel. Alternatively, El Al can yield and risk the safety of passengers and the state of Israel - Isn't it a shame that you might not be able to send your children on free birthright trips any more?

In August of this year, a South African had to cut his trip short because his indictment for war crimes had been made public. Two Muslim NGOs are working with a Muslim lawyer to make a case against 75 South Africans who bravely fought for the IDF and risked their lives for the safety of their people and Israel. According to South African "law" - Citizens are prohibited from fighting for another country. Every day, this is becoming a more serious threat. Every day, South Africans in Israel are waiting to hear what the Jews back home are going to do in order to defend them and allow them to come back to their families without the threat of being arrested.

And the more we wait for you to wake up out of your materialistic high, the more frustrated and disappointed we get. Do you think this is going to end at the airport or with soldiers? What about synagogues, Jewish events, Bar Mitzvahs, even your beloved GAP, it will all come to an end if you let these people send your sons to jail for having the balls to defend the country they love. It is your responsibility as a community and as individuals to use the democratic rights that you have to stand up and defend a just cause. Whether you think so or not, your safety as a Jew relies on the existence of Israel. These people are actively trying to destroy it and they are winning because you don't care to help us fight back.

But why should any single South African Jew take a stand for their own people? Its not going to make a difference in your life is it? The house will still be clean, the cars will be there unless you get hijacked - which is just one of those things that happen - and the kids will still go to King David to learn all about Judaism and Israel - or is it because in reality, you don't want your children integrating with blacks and gentiles? Make up your minds, either you want to be assimilated or you don't, you can't sit on the fence unless you openly admit that you are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.

You are Jews and whether you ascribe to that ideology or not means nothing to those who are trying to persecute and destroy us. The Nazis did not ask people how Jewish they were on a scale of one to ten. The genetic connection was all that was needed and that remains true to this day. Left-wing, Right-wing or completely a-political, you do not have a choice in how somebody else identifies you. In their eyes, all Jews are the same.

South African Jews, you have a choice to make. Will you unite with your people and stand up for the South Africans who have sacrificed the material values of life to fight and support the country you claim to love. Or will you do nothing? The maid is not going to clean this mess up for you.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Return of the Blogger

Yes, it has been a long long LONG time since I updated, this might be due to work, school and other computer games. However, I have been convinced by my wonderful Tali, on our 21st monthaversary that we should put up the Cape Town pics, so here goes…


Day 1

We arrived at airport early Friday morning to fly off to CT. I found it amazing that people in South Africa stand in lines. The passengers lined up in single file and remained in the order they arrived in even after the boarding gate opened.

Cape Town Day 1 01

Unbelievable, the flight was pretty decent, we saw a castle on a cloud and other fun time-passing devices


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We arrived to windy weather and went straight off to the Grand West casino with Tali’s parents.


After the casino we went to drop our stuff at the flat and go feed the birds – this was an incredible experience. Throwing bread at pigeons and seagulls is very therapeutic.


After the birds, Tali and I went with Michal and Aviv to the waterfront. We ate KFC before a huge Shabbos dinner – please don’t tell Diedre.


We had my friend Dan over for Shabbat dinner and Tali showed her artistic side by not taking a single photo in focus.

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Day 2

We were woken up early on Saturday morning by a retarded seagull. The alleged seagull screeched incessantly and wherever he went, the other seagulls seemed to leave. Tali and I transformed this simple act into anthropomorphic drama, where Mr. Duck’s embarrassed and the other ducks are laughing. 10 brownie points if you can correctly answer which song that is from.

Tali and I got up and went for a short stroll to the beach front. With a beautiful view in every direction we looked, I reenacted the retarded seagull’s lament.

Cape Town Day 2 03

Oh yes, the scenery…


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We officially started the day when we got back to the house and the female made me macon

Cape Town Day 2 17

The food was good so I allowed Tali to join us on the red bus tour. We arrived at the bus stop about an hour early and occupied our time with random activities.

The red bus company takes tourists on a scenic journey around cape town. This is what we saw:



Kirstenbosch Gardens:

The Bird Park:



The touring was followed by lunch – fresh fish and chips which was awesome. Later that evening we went to the casino again. We watched a football match, a movie and had a buffet dinner at a Chinese restaurant. We also decided to play the machines a bit, Tali obviously has more luck than me – I walked in with R100 and came out with nothing, she walked in with R50 and came out with R700

Cape Town Day 2 101

Well at least I have her to win for me :D


Day 3

The next day, Charlie decided to sell Cape Town to us by taking us on the most beautiful scenic tour of the country side.


From there we rushed off for lunch and off to the airport where I sat waiting hours for a delayed flight. All in all, Cape Town is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to and I can’t wait to go again.

Love and thanks to Diedre and Charlie and of course Michal – who generously gave us her bed to sleep in and Aviv who provide great colour commentary throughout the trip.

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