Today's topic is more serious than my normal ranting and raving about obscure things. It involves the murder of 9 innocent people and the permanent damage, be it physical or psychological, of over 70 people excluding their families.
Yesterday afternoon outside a falafel shop in Tel Aviv, a suicide bomber decided to detonate itself, destroying the lives of many people around it in the process. This creature, this waste of oxygen was, according to Hamas, "defending itself!" Tired of all those terrible Israelis trying to go about their daily lives, this turd decided that it was going to die a martyr for whatever pathetic reason its leaders chose this week.
Now I know a lot of people reading this are going to find it controversial, well if you don't want to carry on reading that's your own choice, you can love me or hate me, hell you can even Jew and sue me while you're at it. I'm going to say what many other people don't have the balls to say due to the cancer of this world known as "Political Correctness"
When a "democratically elected" government, which also happens to be a terrorist organization, defends a terrorist attack such as this, you would think that the international community and their worthless opinion would be one of outrage. You would think that the Israeli government would retaliate for such a heinous crime, that the deaths of these people would be avenged. That would be a perfect world. Unfortunately that reality does not exist for many reasons.
First off, congratulations to the Israeli public for voting in Kadima and Olmert, you are more responsible for yesterday's attack than anybody else. You were given a choice and you chose wrong. Expect more attacks like this and I hope your conscious eats you alive for making that decision. Now we all will face the consequences.
Secondly, the Israeli Government needs to understand that 9 Israeli deaths are not equal to a metal workshop and a couple of revoked licenses. WAKE UP! How many more need to be murdered before the excuses and the bullshit stops. Abbas condemned the attacks, yeah right; I can also talk out of my ass. Arafat used to condemn attacks too. They want us dead, they've stated it countless times and
Which brings me to another point, Zionism is dead, and it died on May 14, 1948. It died again on January 7, 1950 then again on June 11 1967, August 7 1970 and then finally one last time on October 26 1973. You may ask why I say Zionism is dead, well the answer is quite simple, Zionism refers to the ideal of creating a Jewish land in the area known as
So what we have is a bunch of terrorists running a regime that's only objective is to obliterate a people and take over their 28000 square kilometer piece of land. No Jewish festival goes by without the Palestinian Terrorists trying to kill more of us and the ironic thing is, the bomb was detonated outside a falafel shop and falafel is not even Kosher for Pesach. So are they really trying to kill practicing Jews and everything Judaism stands for or are they just blood thirsty pieces of crap? I will go with the latter on that one.
Funny how women in the region may not live with equal honor to men in their culture but when it comes to dying in honor the discrimination factor disappears. Only pieces of shit such as these will bribe a retarded child with money and candy if he goes to push the button on his belt next to the soldiers. This is the situation we are dealing with here and once again, nobody is to blame more than the Israeli people and their government.
I hope the next suicide bomb that goes off involves one of their children, instead of one of ours because they have obviously shown us via their actions that they couldn't care less whether the people died or not. I have an idea, if a terrorist blows himself up and kills Israelis, flatten his entire village, if we're getting blamed for oppressing the Palestinians, we may as well bloody do it and do it in style! When will
And as for the rest of the world, those of you who are giving funds to the Terrorist regime of the Palestinians, I hope to see a suicide bomb in your town; I want your children, your family, and your friends to know what it feels like. Oh wait, you already know what it feels like
So I have an idea for all of you anti-Semitic and anti-Israel scumbags. Boycott us, please go ahead and boycott every thing we have ever done, do not go to movies that involve Jews whether it is in the form of actors, producers, directors or screenwriters. Don't use our science, our medicine, our military technology, our bankers, our stockbrokers, our doctors. Remove all Jews from history and maybe we will all go away.
170 Nobel Prize winners gone, isn't that great? The Polio vaccine doesn't exist, nor does Novocain and local anesthesia. Stop using the Heimlich maneuver because we all know Heimlich was a crooked nosed Jew who was just trying to pick pocket a poor innocent man. What about all Jews and Israelis in
Get the picture? We are here, we are here to stay and all the hating and terrorism in the world will only make us stronger, so do us all a favor and quit while you're ahead, lest we use your children's blood in our Matzah for Pesach next year.
1 comment:
As Hamas' "spiritual" leader BEAST said:
"You (Israelis) choose and value LIFE, We choose and value DEATH".
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