This decision was made after heavy criticism by those imaginary people known as the Palestinians. "The lunatic is in my head; There’s someone in my head but it’s not me." Our Roger then decided to speak to spiritual leaders(read: Inciters of violence) and palestinian activists(read: terrorists) and came up with the excuse that the move was in order to support "solidarity with Israeli and Palestinian 'voices of reason' that are pursuing a nonviolent path to peace."
Really Rog? Funny how I never heard anything about you contacting our side. And we always thought "Brain Damage" was dedicated to Syd. Tell me Roger, when you guys were performing in the 60's and 70's where were the "palestinians"? Oh wait a minute they didn't exist. Israel however, was listening to and buying your music. All whilst having wars with our "peaceful" neighbours who were trying to obliterate us. I'm sure that suicide bombing on Monday really showed you how much the palestinians and their regime want to coexist with us.
Let me just put it to you this way. I am not going to be attending your concert and even if I had bought a ticket, I would be going to get a refund right away. I will not support your cowardice and I implore that other Israelis boycott this concert too.
As far as the palestinians are concerned let me quote Fahdi Riqueshi of Baltimore, Maryland: "No Palestinian should spend any money to see this promoter of a decadent, drug-filled Western lifestyle. Enough of these infidels trying to fill the heads of our children with this filth."
And in the issue of fairness, I will do what you didn't do and present the Dark Side of this argument. If we can hear from a pro-palestinian voice lets hear from a pro-israel voice. Brad L had this to say about the whole situation: "I am a Pink Floyd fan and a huge Roger Waters fan. I have seen him perform in every concert in San Francisco since the 70`s. I was ecstatic when I read he was performing in Tel Aviv. I had a feeling he would opt out and he did. He is as naive as most of Britain. He is a pacifist and a fool. I guarantee you he will cancel his whole trip. I see it coming. If you know anything about him, he is anti-Israel and has not been a great fan of the Jews. I loved his music but I refuse to ever attend a concert with him again. Any rock start who refuses to play in Israel as he has for many years should be boycotted. He isn`t doing this for Israel. He is doing it for Hamas and the PA who he feels are mistreated by Israel. Wake up Israelis....."
Seems like you have support on both sides now. Our promoters brought you in, our people paid money to see you, we supported you through your days with Pink Floyd and your solo career, we marevelled at the fact that you still had "It" at Live 8 but the palestinians are obviously more important than we are so why don't you go perform in Gaza and Jenin and then get the hell out because we don't need you to come solve our political conflicts. Why don't you tear down your wall of ignorance and see the truth?
"And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you’re in starts playing different tunes
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon"
Dear Rustee,
I think it is high time you get off your high horse, thinking that you know best, and that everyone else that opposes you or your way of thought is always wrong.
First off, the town where Mr Roger Waters chose to peform, is indeed a town where Israeli Jews and Arabs do co-exist. Is it such a terrible thing that an influencial man with a voice that will be heard has had enough of the suffering, whether it be Israeli, Jewish or Muslim.
So he changed venue. Big Deal!! And as of your comment "This decision was made after heavy criticism by those imaginary people known as the Palestinians." Talk about ignorant. You can deny it all you want, but in your midst, there lives the Palestinian people. They may not have a state, and they may piss you off, but they are there all the same. Hey, what are you complaining about, they give you a target to aim your anger at. So, along comes a man that looks at the dead, the dying and the grief and says to himself, "let's make a statement, lets all get together and have a show of piece, and you get angered?
What about the 60's and 70's? The Palestinians were right where they are now, and yes, some of them DID listen to Pink Floyd. And that suicide bombing on Monday, what about it. Because some asshole wants to destroy a good thing, because a murderer wants to slaughter innocents, we should quiet our voices, and fear to talk piece? Let me just put it to you this way, Mr Rustee. We don't want you at the concert, so please don't attend, and even if you DID purchase a ticket, you probably would have ruined it for yourself. I get the feeling you will always have to be angry at someone. Come on, don't support his courage at moving his concert to a venue where he stands to make less money, a venue where less people are likely to come.
And as far as the rest of us are concerned, let me quote you "Fahdi Riqueshi of Baltimore, Maryland" Key words there, John are Baltimore, Maryland. You're quoting an anti-West Muslim living in the Western Homeland on an anti-West statement. Does this sound logical to you? To me it sounds as if you're picking and choosing what you want to hear, and what you want others to see.
Do us all a favor, throw your Pink Floyd disks away, don't listen to their music and stand up for what you believe in.
Just as a last note: I am Israeli, I served in combat. I do not side with the Palestinian Authority or the atrocities they commit, but this is just immature and stubborn
If you don't want to read the blog my friend, just don't read it. I didn't attend the Roger Waters concert and I'm glad I didn't.
Why should I throw away my Pink Floyd discs? Gilmour is a genius! So are you one of the people who protested for negotiations with Hizbula yesterday?
Whether you fought in the IDF or not, you are just one of those jews/israelis who has a habit of apologising for your own existence. I don't know where you bunch come from but please please PLEASE grow as set of balls, a spine and be proud of your jewish, israeli heritage because Roger Waters doesn't care about us and nor do the rest.
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