Everyone is in the army or has better things to do with their lives such as sleep and mope, instead of going out and actually developing a pulse. Well someone is at a wedding but apart from that someone(you know who you are), the rest of Raanana is dead.
Okay the guys in the army have no choice, they are sacrificing their time to defend our borders so we can vote in another useless politician who isn't going to do one thing he promises to. But the people who are at home and have nothing to do tomorrow... What gives? This is the time in your life where you have the opportunity to go out and party, have fun, enjoy breathing every couple of seconds(you don't want to overdo it). I know its hard for some people to live with such excitement but I need my entertainment damn it!
The weekend is something I actually used to look forward to, these days I dread it. I can make the excuse of playing games and watching movies during the week. When it comes to having to sit at home on the weekend I feel absolutely cheated. Even if that piece of tin in my parking space, that used to be a car, was working, I'd still have nothing to do. Hell I hate clubbing but I'd even do that!
What has happened to our generation? Our parents, who in their age have become so toned down and responsible, used to go out and have crazy times and we emulate them, not as they were back then, but as they are today. Its terrible, in twenty years time I want reminisce about going to parties and bars and having crazy nights. At the rate I'm going its going to be something along the lines of "I remember when I watched "Grease" on Thursday night once many years ago."
I can't even think of anything to write about because I feel like I'd just be forcing it out and it would come across as completely unnatural. Even my sense of humour decided to go out for the night and leave me at home by myself. Tomorrow night had better be a big bloody improvement because if its not, I think I'm going to start cutting of fingers and seeing how long I can withstand the pain before I pass out. So if anybody is willing to donate their fingers to my anti-boredom campaign, sign up here. You honestly didn't think I'd cut my own fingers of did you?
So I'm going to surf the web for thousands of tidbits of uselessness that will entertain me for about 15 seconds a click. If you are like me and bored out of your mind at home when you feel you should be going out partying, don't worry, you now know that you are not alone.
Wait a second... The Hot/Cold Shower signal is flying high in the sky, the citizens need me! I'm going to jump into the Hot/Cold Showermobile and go fight the ne'er-do-wells. Until I return avid readers I bid you adieu
hell bitch ain't you got nothing more to do than bitch bitch bitch?
i watched grease this morning ;-P
What kind of person decides togo to a wedding and leave u all alone... gota be one of those british ones
I demand more posts!
You're really good, man! I enjoy reading your posts! I'll be back!
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