Ah my friends, you have no idea how delighted I am with the response my letter in the SA Jewish Report received. While for the most part I was completely ripped apart and made out to be, in usual SA manner, a disgruntled former South African with a chip on my shoulder and no grasp of logic, there were some people who responded intelligently. I would like to respond to two of those people briefly (The letters section of the latest SA Jewish Report can be found here).
John Brenner, while I understand the fear of speaking up, it does not mean that by shutting up and accepting the way things are that life is going to get any better. Quite the contrary if you follow the narrative of Israeli/Jewish history. South Africa is definitely not the Roman Empire or Mother Russia and the Jews have the knowledge that Israel and world Jewry would be there to support them if something along the lines of the Pogroms, God forbid, started happening in SA.
Victor Gordon, thank you for having the intelligence to understand my aims. Rustee John is a persona who’s raison d'ĂȘtre is to be coarse and callous while inciting reactions from his audience. I’m telling it like it is and that is going to rub most people the wrong way but if it gets you thinking, I have achieved my goal.
And that’s exactly what that letter did; it got people talking, thinking, discussing and while most of the people who wrote back decided to argue against my character, there were some who loved the article – more in Israel than in SA – and some who could not disagree that while SA’s fake Zionists may not be as bad as I make them out to be, there is a SERIOUS problem that needs to be addressed.
Where SA Jews go from now is anybody’s guess. I don’t think much will change until the material luxuries of life are either unaffordable, unavailable or the rising crime and hatred towards Whites and specifically Jews, increases to a point where they are forced to leave.
On a final note, I pray that South Africans will stop using the twisted logic that all expats are jealous and bitter because they had to leave this wonderful country to go live somewhere else. While Israel is not the perfect country it is made out to be, I do not regret moving here and if I could go back and make the choice of Israel or SA again, I would choose Israel every time.
So please, when you, the South African, are arguing with an expat about anything related to SA, do not bring up the “you’re just bitter” argument. It makes you look like an idiot and further blinds you from the truth that the problems in SA are real problems that cannot be swept under the carpet and ignored.
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