Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Dinner with the family again and again

The evening we got back from the park we went out for dinner to my aunt Shirley. Joining us were her husband Ian, cousins Carey and Darryl and their respective significant others Berelize and Catherine.

My aunt has a reputation for spoiling her dogs. Her last dog, Bambi, had its own tea mug and whenever the kettle was switched on, demanded her own cup of brew. Bambi also had a nemesis, a sharpei named Morpheus owned by two gay guys. If that is not the premise for the greatest series ever, I don’t know what is.

Bambi is now in the great tea garden in the sky and the new pet in the house is a huge bear chow by the name of patent pending.

Day 12 01

Since chows are the most loyal dogs in the entire multiverse, people who are not family members often get devoured by just looking at them. Thus there was no interaction between us and Chewbacca.

Dinner was a tasty home-made roast and my aunt sure knows how to fill a person up. I think that every woman in my family fears somebody starving in their house and they all take preventative measures.

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Its nice being the tall one in the family…

After dinner we went off to Avron and Steffan for some sheesha. Tanya joined in the fun as did Jarryd and Neil

Day 12 12

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The following day we went for dinner to the family again. This time on the Bauskin side. At this point, Tali was probably relieved that this was the last bit of my family she had to meet. We ate lamb ragout for dinner.

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Tomorrow Tali goes off to Pretoria for the night and I will join her Thursday for adventures in Pretoria Tshwane.

1 comment:

Perry said...

my cousin had several of those "loyal" dogs. he was so loyal she tried to reach down and pet him once and he took a slice of her nose, leaving her with several stitches.
as long as they are cuddly...

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