Sunday, August 02, 2009

Pre-trip musings

This post is being written in Windows Live Writer. Seems like a pretty decent app so I will give it a go.

Its just under 2 weeks until I leave for South Africa and since I have such a great following, I think it would be splendid (nice is not a nice word) to document my journeys into deep, dark, Sandton City.

I am looking forward to a holiday, the first out of the country in almost 4 years. I will be seeing my family, Tali’s family and my good friends during the 3 week hurricane that is to be my trip to SA.

Today Tali and I bought a new camera for the trip. A Casio Exilim ex-S10 – Here, let me draw it for you:


Casio Exilim EX-S10

Its a 10.1 megapixel camera with some sweet features including video in x.264 format which means all of you in the cult of Apple can download my vids to your iPods.

So I was playing around a bit with the cam today and took a few thousand pictures of the cats:



Roxanne saying hello

If anybody reads this blog, you can follow my pictures on my picasaweb gallery

So stay tuned for the adventures of Adam and Tali in Africa!


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The cam take nice pix

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