[DISCLAIMER: The thoughts shared in this blog are my own and not the thoughts of anyone else including all members of Blogger.com
Furthermore, the statements herein are directed specifically towards individuals who wish to obstruct peace by purposefully holding their "Gay Pride" parade in Jerusalem.
I have nothing against gay people who choose to behave modestly instead of flaunting their homosexuality in mine and other's faces. I have gay friends and family members who I respect and admire, their sexual preference is not my business nor is mine theirs.]
Greetings my Rusteefarians, Today, as always, we brush on a controversial topic. A huge debate is raging in Israel at the moment about a gay parade that is to be held in Jerusalem this month. The main players in this monumental fight are the gays and the religious Jews. I'm going to introduce each side and tackle their arguments before giving you my thoughts on this entire situation. We'll start off with the gays. The gays are proud. What they are proud of, I don't know. They claim that homosexuality is something you are born with and not a choice. Well then why are they proud of this? I'm left-handed, not by choice, I was born that way. You don't see me running around saying "I am proud to be sinister, let me dress up in left handed clothing and do left handed things all day!"
Obviously this gay "Pride" is absolutely drenched in shame and so their remedy is to shove it down our throats and accuse every hetero-sexual man, woman, child and aardvark that we are oppressing them. They believe Israel is a democracy and if they want to parade in the capitol that is their right and nobody can stop them.
In their corner they have the liberals. These people make me sick. "Live and let live" they say. They appreciate John Lennon's message of do whatever the hell you want, there is no heaven, no hell and no omnipresent being to judge you so all is good and have fun.
These people, who are generally against religion and hate all the old school confounds of morality, see no problem with the gays doing their stuff in Jerusalem. If the religious have a problem with it, they are nothing more than oppressors on the level of the Iranians and should stay in the Synagogue reading their holy books. Once the religious are law-abiding, tax-paying, army-serving citizens who don't denigrate Israel, they can have their say too.
In the blue corner, we have the religious and conservatives. The religious argument is simple. Jerusalem is our holy city, Judaism views homosexuality as an abomination and by holding this vile parade in their holy city, you are spitting in the face of their religion.
The secular-conservatives view the issue as follows: Homo-sexuality is wrong, men are not supposed to sleep with men, women are not supposed to sleep with women, we have children to protect and so this kind of parade should not be a public spectacle. A vegetarian would not like people eating meat in their house and so in a heterosexual society, being gay and flaunting it is offensive.
Now I fit into a specific category that is partly religious, fully conservative. I believe this parade is wrong, it’s inciting violence and it needs to be stopped before things get out of hand. Might I remind you before I continue, this is my opinion, therefore its right. If you think otherwise, go to someone else's blog and carry on listening to Lennon.
First off, homosexuality is not natural, all across the animal kingdom, male creatures mate with female creatures to produce a fertilized egg and offspring. This is how animals, including humans, are still around today. Now there are certain animals such as snails that are a-sexual or can change their sex so, if gay people are willing to take on the class of Gastropoda Erectus then they can have their parade. Homosexuality in nature is destined to die out, gay animals will not mate and so their genes die. Therefore nature is an oppressor such as the Iranians.
From a religious point of view, homosexuality is a complete abomination.
Leviticus 18:22: "Thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination."
Leviticus 20:13: "If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they should surely be put to death...."
What we have there is a pretty clear indication that in Judaism at least, homosexuality is a big no-no. Christianity and Islam regard it in a similar manner. The Roman Catholic Church has decided that anyone who is gay should be chaste.
So with that being said, holding this parade, in the middle of the religious centre of the three major religions, all of who look down on homosexuality, is just looking for trouble. The religious people will not stand for it. Judaism has been around a lot longer then "Gay Pride" so people should respect that and if they have to have this parade, relocate it.
Of course the people who scream democracy are missing the entire idea of this country. Israel is, was and always will be a theocracy. As long as our flag is a Star of David on a shawl, as long as our national anthem cries for the Jewish soul and as long as we remember that the state was established as a Jewish state after six million Jews died in the holocaust. With that being said, even if Israel was a democracy, the appropriate action would have been a national referendum to let the people decide what was best.
Live and let live is not the answer. Homosexuality, once taboo is becoming a norm. This has to stop! First it will be homosexuality, then it will be incest, paedophilia, polygamy and God knows what other evils. Now before you argue that I am being irrational, let’s break this argument down.
Homosexuality, according to the gays, is something they are born with. "You cannot choose who you are attracted to" is the standard argument for this kind of conversation. So does that mean that if a brother and sister both consent to being with each other, they should be allowed? What about father and daughter, mother and son? "You can't choose who you are attracted to and if the gays can do it why can't we?" What about a 15 year old and a 30 year old who sincerely love each other? "If the gays can do it, why can't we?"
The gays need to understand that nobody cares what they do behind closed doors. I have friends and family members who are gay and what they do in their bedroom is their own business. The religious would have just as big a problem with a Mardi Gras or hedonism parade in Jerusalem because the message is one of immorality, physical lust and values that conflict with their religion.
If gay people want to be gay, that’s fine, but we don't need to know about it nor have it shoved down our throats because of their self-loathing. Believe me, the reason left-handed people don't have parades is because we don't feel ashamed and therefore don't seek justification.
Now the people who want democracy need to understand that democracy should not entail doing whatever you want regardless of other people's feelings. By having that parade in Jerusalem, you are inciting violence and offending people. Things have already gotten violent between the religious and the police and last night a Shul was vandalized in Tel Aviv.
I for one am not going to stand idly by and let this parade go through. If it is not cancelled, I will be in Jerusalem to protest. It is against all that I believe in and I don't need my children growing up in a society where you can do whatever you want.
John Lennon had a beautiful message, but what he did not seem to grasp is that people want to do what they want regardless of other people's feelings. If John's message is to truly be appreciated, this parade should not be held because it will hurt others. At the end of the day, the gays will still be together, but the people of Israel will be further torn apart.
"You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one”
Where's Walid:
Paris, 1887, A woman's life was ruined as the Eiffel Tower was constructed on her house. Unaware that her house was even there due to the World's Fair being held in the location, constructors began building the famous French landmark.
When asked for a comment, the woman said this:
"I was sitting at home have a glass of Bordeaux, when all of a sudden I heard a huge crash, I ran into the bathroom to see a giant metal leg had been driven through the ceiling. I quickly ran to my bedroom and grabbed my thimble collection and miraculously made it out just in time to see my house crushed by the giant structure. I was so scared; I don't know why they would do this to me."
We at Rustee Rants, have uncovered the only photograph ever found of this tragic event: