The thing about writing this blog - and the direction it seems to have taken me - is that there is literally so much screwed up news on a daily basis that its hard to choose what to write about which means I'll generally write about nothing.
However, at 03:55 in the morning, the brain plays wonderful tricks on you. Appears out of nowhere when you thought you lost the thing ages ago. So since we last spoke, our wonderful government did.... Well nothing actually. The dog is being wagged vigorously what with our figure-head president having a rape case thrown at him and people have casually moved on with their lives.
I'm okay with that when it comes to Tsunamis; London Bombings; Katrinas and all sorts of other SEPs(Somebody Else's Problem), but this is a little different. This is my problem. With 100 plus soldiers dying in vain and the 3 soldiers who were kidnapped in the first place, still not home, its time for a revolution.
Yet softened liberal Israelis will continue to sit at home and debate whether gays have rights too and if its acceptable for them to defile my holy city. That's not even worth debating, its an absolute disgrace and if you think otherwise, please write to "The People Who Give A Shit."
The worst thing about it is that the news these days only seems to feature one name. Gilad Shalit. Now I feel terribly for the Shalit family but since when was he the only kidnapped soldier? What about Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev? Why are they not getting the same media time? Is the government trying to make us forget that there are actually THREE kidnapped soldiers, not withstanding that Ron Arad celebrated his 20th anniversary since his abduction. I honestly hope that the man is long dead, his country failed him, why should he carry on living as a prisoner? I just hope he is at peace, dead or alive.
But in all honesty, this war took a hell of a lot out of me. I was a wreck pretty much every day, what with 5 or so of my friends being inside Lebanon. Thank God they all came back safe and if any of you are reading this, know how proud I am to be your friend, thank you! The truth of the matter is that I actually now fear that this pathetic excuse for a government cannot defend us from the trouble that brews in our near future. If Olmert is not out soon, I don't know what fate we will face.
Despite the recent war, Israel had quite the quiet time during the High Holidays this year. I think I am learning to appreciate this time more and more every year, it really is a beautiful season. While praying for inscription into the good book of judgment this year, I found it extremely difficult to hold back the tears whilst thinking about my fallen brothers and those who have suffered so much during this time.
Enough about that though. One of the top items on the news lately is the "Is it a nuke? Isn't it a nuke?" debate regarding North Korea's... NUKE. The sheer idiocy of this debate is mind-boggling. Does it really matter if the underground explosion in North Korea was a nuke or not?! The fact that they say it is, is enough evidence to show that if they do actually have one, they are not worrying about the consequences of using it.
This whole fiasco proves again that the United Nations is nothing but a worthless organization being manipulated by insane dictators, communists and muslim terrorists. Spot test: When a bully beats up a child at school with a baseball bat, do you:
A) Threaten to take away his stationery.
B) Make him sign a document stating that he will under no circumstances do it again.
C) Call all the teachers into a meeting to discuss a pointless solution to the problem.
D) Severely punish him and make sure that he understands that if he touches another child he will be even more severely punished.
Well according to the UN we do A; B and C because obviously the ruffian will see that the diplomacy that has completely failed on him thus far is actually the solution. When are this group of sponges going to finally disband so that we can see some proper consequence for a change. North Korea have taught Iran a valuable lesson. The Western World's bark is far greater than its miniscule bite. Expect Iran to be testing nukes in the near future.
Speaking of that test in North Korea, while the rest of the world were trying to determine the severity of this test, tragedy occurred. The North Korean government, careful to place the nuke underground, overlooked one small thing, they tested it directly under someone's house. The poor woman was sitting in her bedroom when she heard a faint rumble, realizing something wasn't right, she ran as fast as she could to escape the blast zone, with luck on her side, she barely escaped.
Rustee Rants has the only documented photograph of this incident:

And there you have it folks, the debut of "Where's Walid"
Hope you enjoyed the read, what will the aftermath of the test be? Where will Walid appear next? Stay tuned for more of Rustee Rants.