So the latest news that's worth reporting is the use of the media by the Lebs and the fact that they are using disproportionate propaganda to win the war in every muslim and anti-semite's head.
The body counts from every operation by Israel in Lebanon is generally doubled. Every operation, from here on known as massacre, is another excuse for hizbula to bring out their spare dead children and go back and forth, throwing them into building remains and then taking them dramatically to the ambulance. Lather, rinse, repeat.
They really upped the ante this week however, we have an arab photographer who for the sake of true and accurate reporting, has been using photoshop to edit photos to give a more accurate depiction of what's going. Of course AP and Reuters grabbed the photos as quickly as they could, didn't bother to notice what a 5 year old would have, and published the photos much to our chagrin. And I'm honestly supposed to believe that AP and Reuters, the two biggest news agencies in the world, don't have a photo validation team? I call BULLSHIT!
Then we have academy award nominated Prime Minister Siniora, who decided to cry about his countries destruction on 2 occasions whilst addressing some bunch of idiots who were stupid enough to listen. Can you imagine if Winston Churchill started crying during WW2 or if Priam lay on the floor kicking his feet during the invasion of Troy. It's outrageous and all too funny at the same time.
But the truth of the matter is, Siniora is not the idiot, the people who believe his crap and his crocodile tears are. They are the kind of people who watch the introductory video on the flight - as to how to buckle your seat belt - every time!
The greatest unnoticed gem was the body count in Ghassaniyeh. The initial reported death toll was 40 people. Yes and the world went mad, because you don't just kill 40 people for no reason. Even if that no reason is actually because they are harboring terrorists and their missiles in their houses but lets not argue over irrelevant semantics. What was not really paid attention to, was the fact that Siniora just happened to mention, in passing comment between outburst of crying, that the death toll was actually only 1 death at the time and that 40 was reported because it seemed a good idea at the time.
Now 3 days later, and the world press has yet to clean up this little oopsie. When asked for comment, Olmert said: "This propaganda war that we are no doubt winning, is a great platform to launch a disengagement from the West Bank and Tel Aviv and Jerusalem."
So the issue really isn't how we are winning the war (and believe me, we are), the issue is that the world is taking a collective dump on us based on the inaccurate media reports they are receiving. How is Israel attempting to fix this situation? Well when you find out please drop me an email because somebody in the Government is bloody clueless. Wait... Everyone in the government is bloody clueless.
I'd like to end off today with what I hope is to become a regular part of Rustee Rants. I'm sure many of you have seen this picture:

This picture is apparently supposed to be of some women who lost her house in a bombing in Beirut July 22nd. The interesting thing is, she happened to appear mourning her house's destruction a few weeks later on the 5th of August:

Unluckiest woman in whole of Lebanon? I don't think so. Of course AP and Reuters have started waking up to the reality that most of what they are hearing from the Lebanese side is absolute rubbish and so have removed the photos and fired the multiple-offender photographer.
Too little too late, but never too late to take the piss. So allow me to introduce you to my latest feature on Rustee Rants: Where's Walid? What is Where's Walid? Well you'll just have to come back soon to find out.