The biggest news around here, in case you've been living in a hole in the ground, is the war between Israel and hizbulla. Just to recap the story so far, us Israelis were offending everyone by minding our own business as per usual when suddenly palestinian militants decide to kill and kidnap our soldiers.
Of course we went in and tried to get our soldier back and as of yet we have been unsuccessful. The Lebanese pigs hizbulla decided to jump on the bandwagon and kill and kidnap soldiers and started firing katyusha rockets into northern Israel.
Here we are now 2 weeks later with rockets raining down every day and the biggest battle we've had to fight since 1982. The media as per usual has been extremely biased and anti-Israel, specifically BBC, running 15 minute news reports on the destruction in Lebanon and the deaths of innocent civilians, whilst briefly happening to mention, on passing comment, that "Oh yes, the Jews are dying too..."
Of course as per usual the militants remain defiant. Well gee that's a big surprise. Considering they are the biggest propaganda machine on the planet and people are still stupid enough to believe them. I have friends at the Lebanese border who seem to tell me otherwise.
We Israelis, for the most part, are sticking together, everyone is personally affected by this some way or another. I know someone who's son died defending our country and may he rest in peace. My cousins have had to evacuate their home in Carmiel due to the rocket barrages.
However as always, you have your left wing morons who constantly apologise to the whole world for us Jews even existing. These cretins have been protesting the war that us awful Israelis apparently started and are begging for negotiations. Well I have a solution lefties, we can drop you off in Bint Jbeil and you can negotiate with hizbulla.
If I had things my way, every left-winger would be removed from this country. There is nothing worse than a person who hates his own people and would rather see his own people die than the enemy. Of course left wings always know what's wrong, but when have they ever provided a feasible solution to the problem. Wait a second, remember when Ehud Barak almost gave away half the country? Well who walked away from those negotiations? Yes it was Arafat.
Which brings me to another point, hizbulla was founded, or so they claim, to push the Israeli occupation out of Lebanon, well last time I checked, we withdrew years ago! Of course the truth is, Arab-muslims are nothing but warmongering Jew hating pieces of shit who have no desire to live with us in peace. Its a common mis-translation, what they want is to live with us in pieces!
Kahane was right, and contrary to what many people believe, he was a righteous man who only wanted peace for both sides but knew that Arabs and Jews could never coexist together. I read an article by an Arab female on Ynet yesterday, in this article she discussed how Gaza was not really free and was actually more of an open air prison. Well I wonder why... Perhaps its has something to do with the fact that your people will never be happy until we are all dead. Perhaps its due to the fact that we left you our infrastructure and you destroyed it!
How many greenhouses and farms did you burn and defile. We turned Gaza into an Oasis and in less than a year in your hands, it was a desert again. This is obviously our fault. We gave you 33% of what you wanted and how much peace did you give us in return? Do you honestly believe that peace works when one side gives 100% and the other side decides to do as they feel? Why should we let you into Israel? Why should we wait behind you in the hospital? Don't you have your own hospitals?
Regardless of what is reported by the biased media, the facts are there. We live in a country about the size of New Jersey. The Arab states are the size of United States, Central American and Mexico combined. So how much space could we possibly be occupying if our entire country is one six-hundred-and-fiftieth of their own?
The war against the Zionist entity is not one of land dispute, its a religious war fueled by hatred and brainwashing. And the ultimate question I have to ask is WHAT IS A PALESTINIAN? Was there such a thing as a palestinian pre-20th century? And if all of them are refugees, where are they from? The answer is Jordan, these so called palestinians or Jordanian refugees. Of course there is more than enough open land across the Arabian gulf for these so called people to live in peace with their Arab brothers but the fact is nobody wants them!
Yesterday for me however was the greatest accomplishment of this war so far. We bombed a UNIFIL Base. Whether by accident or deliberate, there is no doubt in my mind that it was bloody brilliant. The United Nothings and Kofi Annan who have used their organization as nothing more than a proxy with which to spy, finally got what was coming to them.
If UN Resolution 1559 - which called upon Lebanon to establish full control over all of its land, for Syria to stop interfering in Lebanon and for ALL Lebanese militias, including hizbulla, to disband - had been kept, administered and adhered to by UNIFIL whose job it was to do such, maybe none of this would have been necessary.
All I have ever seen the UN do in the region is drive around in fancy Mercedes Benzes and SUVs in Herzilya Pituach. I am glad that the UN got hit, they are nothing but a bunch of interfering no good pieces of crap who have done nothing to improve any situation anywhere in the world.
The solution is to fight fire with fire. Nasrallah can preach all he wants, we know he is hiding. Just like Saddam did in his hole in the ground. Lebanon and the rest of the world can bitch all they want about Israel not exercising restraint. Better the devil you know guys because if I had a say in how this country was defended, gaza would be a parking lot and Lebanon, Syria and Iran would be past tense.
For the Israelis out their who stand by their country and their soldiers, united we have strength and God bless our soldiers and the people up north who have sacrificed so much for our freedom. Together we will stand strong and overcome this adversity as we have before.
אל תירא מפחד פתאם, ומשאת רשעים כי תבא. עצו עצה ותפר, דברו דבר ולא יקום, כי עמנו אל .ועד זקנה אני הוא, ועד שיבה אני אסבל, אני עשיתי ואני אשא, ואני אסבל ואמלט
"Do not fear sudden terror, or the holocaust of the wicked when it comes. Plan a conspiracy and it will be annulled; speak your piece and it shall not stand, for Hashem is with us. Even till your seniority, I remain unchanged; and even till your ripe old age, I shall endure. I created you and shall bear you; I shall endure and rescue."